Babylon 5 Reference

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Marcus & Claudia Christian
Oggetto: Marcus & Claudia Christian
Autore: rossiele
Data: 09 Maggio 2002

Qualcuno ne sa di più sulla morte di Marcus?

Io ho letto qualcosa... Il contratto scadeva con la quarta stagione e non si sapeva se ci sarebbe stata una quinta. L'attore Jason Carter (Marcus) voleva passare più tempo con i figli in Inghilterra e a JMS quello è sembrato il modo opportuno per farlo uscire di scena (gli sembrava in tono con il personaggio).
JMS aveva detto che se B5 si fosse fermata alla quarta stagione allora Marcus sarebbe morto, mentre se ci fosse stata una quinta stagione Marcus sarebbe rimasto ibernato... E cosi' è stato. C'è anche stata una petizione in internet per farlo 'scongelare' nella nuova serie "The legend of of the rangers", ma visto che la serie non è decollata mi sa che Marcus se ne restera' surgelato a lungo.
Invece per Claudia Christian la situazione è stata diversa; riporto nel seguito la versione data da JMS (ma forse bisognerebbe anche sentire quella di Claudia Christian) in un messaggio che risale al 1997:

Subj: from jms: claudia quits
Date: 97-07-19 15:11:47 EDT
From: Jms at B5

There have been some questions raised as to what has happened regarding Claudia Christian and Season 4. In simplest possible terms, which can be verified through every cast member, and in the press, what happened was this:
In early June, WB asked for, and received, one-month exensions on their contract options from all cast members except Claudia, for the purposes of allowing WB time to work out the co-financing deal with TNT for year 5 of B5. There was a great deal of red tape left over from the PTEN deal to finish unraveling, and other business aspects, to work out in going from syndication to cable, and it was taking longer than expected.
Claudia said, repeatedly, that she was on board for the fifth season, but that she didn't want to give the extension for business reasons of her own. We took her at her word and allowed her to not give the extension. Assurances were made to us, and to her fellow cast members.
While we were all together (cast, some crew, and I) in Blackpool for Wolf 359, word reached us of the articles in Variety and Reuters reporting that Claudia would not be returning to B5, and was looking for other work. This was the very first indication we had that she would not be in season 5. TNT was upset by this, WB was upset by this, and we were called on the carpet asking why we had trusted her about the fifth year. When spoken to in Blackpool, she was still, at that point, saying that she was going to be in season 5...but did nothing to address the situation with WB. She was told that WB had to know, for sure, if she was in or out by last Friday. All she had to do to be in season 5 was to pick up the phone, or have her agent do so, and call WB and say, "I'm in."
This did not happen. Friday came, and went. It was clear that she had no intention of being in season 5, and wanted instead to pursue movies. She is more well known now after B5, after all.
Cast members prevailed upon her to change her mind over the weekend. Bruce, Jeff Conaway, others took it upon themselves to try and talk her back onto the show, tried to get her to call on Monday in case she might be able to repair the bridges burned the prior week. On Monday, she left the convention early, and never called WB, never called Doug, never called anyone.
Bottom line is...she passed on season 5. She chose not to be there. I know that she has now told some people that WB doesn't want her...but if that is the case, why the articles planted in Variety and Reuters saying that the B5 producers were "bummed" that she wasn't available, that she had chosen not to return to the show? (Again, at the time the articles appeared, this intent had not even been conveyed to us or to WB; we had to learn about it by reading it in the trades, in articles no one had even discussed with us.) Why did she not give the extension, as was also reported? Why was it announced in the press (in articles reprinted right here on the nets) that she wasn't coming back and was looking for other work long before we even knew anything about it?
The offer was on the table. We extended it to the very limit. All the other actors signed on, and urged her to do the same. She chose not to. It was never a matter of anyone not wanting her. I personally urged her Thursday night to call her agent and talk this out and make her intentions clear if she wanted to come back to the show. She declined. Every cast member who was there in Blackpool saw what went down, and can verify this.
And that, as they say, is the long and the short of it. While I will not recast the role, on the theory that she may come around someday and decide she wants to be in one of the TNT features or one of the movies, we will be bringing in a new character to fill that position in the B5 command structure. Fortunately, 421, already filmed, is structured to allow us to adjust for this without missing a beat, and the story will continue as planned.


Autore: Gianni (Kurgo)
Data: 11 Maggio 2002


Ibernato??? A me è sembrato un tantinello morto o sbaglio.

[Claudia Christian]

Ottimo lavoro.
Riguardo alla questione, tempo fa avevo trovato questo. Probabilmente, ora non ho il tempo di controllare, comprende anche una parte di ciò che hai mandato, buona lettura.

Autore: rossiele
Data: 13 Maggio 2002


Si', forse mi sono spiegata male... Tra l'altro non ho visto la puntata successiva a "La fine del gioco" :-( (errore di programmazione del videoregistratore!) , ma quello che ho capito leggendo su internet (forse viene chiarito nella quinta stagione) è che non appena l'hanno trovato, il suo corpo è stato messo in stasi e ibernato, sperando che in un futuro più o meno lontano fosse possibile riportarlo in vita. In fondo il funzionamento della macchina aliena non era chiaro ed era possibile che che in lui fosse rimasta una 'scintilla' di vita e che un giorno si potesse trovare il modo per salvarlo. Diciamo che la situazione era tale da poter dare modo a JMS di resuscitarlo con poco sforzo nella stagione successiva (in fondo sembra che nessun personaggio della fantascienza riesca a restare morto per più di qualche mese :-), come Star Trek e Alien insegnano). Questo (nonostante le petizioni dei fans) non è successo e mi sembra che Marcus si possa considerare definitivamente defunto.

Autore: Gianni (Kurgo)
Data: 14 Maggio 2002

Da quel che ho letto delle puntate delle stagioni precedenti, la macchina aliena era in origine stata creata per le esecuzioni, e trasferiva la carica vitale dal condannato a morte ad un altra persona.
E' vero che precedentemente la macchina era stata usata per guarire trasferendo piccole quantità di energia alla volta, ma se come sorgente veniva usata sempre la stessa persona comportava sempre un effetto letale sul "donatore".
In questo caso specifico, senza nessuno che potessere interrompere il processo, imho, la morte del donatore era inevitabile.