Babylon 5 Reference

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Notizie dal mondo di Babylon 5, tutte le news sulla serie, gli attori, uscite in DVD, trasmissioni televisive e molto altro con anticipazioni anche dal suo creatore, J. Michael Straczynski.

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Oggetto: News da JMS su B5:TMoS -> jms update v1.0
Autore: Massimo
Data: 27 Febbraio 2004

JMS ha dato nuove notizie su B5:TMoS (ROTFL!)
In pratica ha spiegato che non può ancora dire di cosa si tratta, tranne che piacerà e che ormai il contratto è stato firmato. Ha poi detto quello che non è, ma che noi tutti già sapevamo che non lo era. Che non fosse un racconto, una serie animata, un fumetto, ecc... già lo sapevamo.
JMS sta godendo come un riccio ad essere così vago. E lo fa sapendo cosa questo comporta! Notare il subject che ha usato (ovvero: jms update v1.0) che fa presagire ad una versione 2.0, 3.0, e così via... :) Mi sento un tantinello preso per il c*lo, voi no? :)
Di seguito il messaggio originale di JMS:

"Y'know, if there's anything more annoying than having to sit on good news, I can't think of what it might be. (Well, okay, being staked to an ant hill at high noon is a pretty obvious one, but you get the idea.)
The only things I can say right now about B5:TMoS is that now that all the correct agreements have been signed, sealed and delivered, the draft has gone in, met with great enthusiasm all around, notes have been received, and the next draft is in process and has to be delievered within two weeks so that certain other steps can be set into motion.
I still can't tell you what it *is* because that has to come from the proper people through the proper channels at the proper time...but I can tell you a few cases of what it *isn't* isn't a novel, or a short story, a comic, an animated series, a radio drama or a stage play. Beyond that, deponent sayeth not.
Except to say that it's pretty cool.
On a side-note...for those following the Suprme Power good as the series has been to date, and selling in the top 15 pretty consistently, the next two issues, 8 and 9, the first of which goes on sale March 3rd, are going to put this book on the map in a big way. They're just stellar issues. If you haven't gotten into the book yet, now (or backtracking to issue 7, the start of the new arc) would be a good time to do so, because it's going to start kicking some serious ass."