Babylon 5 Reference

Benvenuti su Babylon Files, riferimento italiano a Babylon 5 e luogo di incontro per tutti gli appassionati della serie e per chi vuole avvicinarsi per la prima volta.

Qui troverete le schede di tutti gli episodi, trame, informazioni e curiosità, ma soprattutto il Babylon 5 Reference, ovvero un completo riferimento a nomi, luoghi e terminologia dell'universo di Babylon 5.


Notizie dal mondo di Babylon 5, tutte le news sulla serie, gli attori, uscite in DVD, trasmissioni televisive e molto altro con anticipazioni anche dal suo creatore, J. Michael Straczynski.

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E anche Zathras ci ha lasciati .. :'(
Oggetto: E anche Zathras ci ha lasciati .. :'(
Autore: Nymeria
Data: 27 Settembre 2004

Riporto da rastb5m:

Subject: Tim Choate R.I.P.
From: "John Hudgens (Fenn)"
Date: 9/26/2004 10:44 PM Eastern Standard Time

I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but the Babylon 5 family has suffered another loss - Tim Choate was killed in a motorcycle accident on his way to a play rehearsal Friday night...

La famiglia di Babylon 5 ha sofferto un'altra perdita - Tim Choate è morto in un incidente di motocicletta venerdì notte.

Ma che tristezza .. :-(

Autore: Figura4
Data: 29 Settembre 2004

Io voglio ricordarlo così, in una delle scene più divertenti di tutta B5. Goodbye Zathras!

# Ivanova said unto Zathras, "Excuse me, I need to see Draal." And he replied, "Oh, Draal is very busy! Have had four ground quakes on other side of planet. Damage to weather control system, to great machine."
# Then Ivanova recognized him, "Zathras!" "Yes?" he replied. "What the hell are you doing here?" asked Ivanova.
# Zathras began to teach, saying, "Zathras work here. Zathras were born here. You work up there, Zathras work down here. You dress like that, Zathras dress like this."
# "That's not--" interrupted Ivanova.
# "Just covering all possibilities. Zathras does not want you being confused. Bye." And Zathras began to depart.
# Ivanova followed after him, "Hey! Wait a minute! You are not supposed to be here. We left you a thousand years in the past."
# "No!" answered Zathras, "We have never met before. But Zathras very pleased to be meeting you."
# Ivanova insisted, "No, we have met." Zathras explained,"No. Oh. No, noo. No no. You did not meet Zathras. You met Zathras."
# "Let's try this again." Ivanova said, and Zathras replied, "As you wish."
# And she began telling the last great story, "Zathras came with us to Babylon 4." "Yes," said Zathras.
# "Zathras stayed in the past with Valen," continued Ivanova. "Yes," answered Zathras.
# "You are Zathras," said Ivanova. Again, Zathras answered, "Yes." Then Ivanova concluded, "Therefore, you went into the past"
# Then he began to explain all things to her plainly, "No, that was not Zathras, that was Zathras. There are 10 of us, all of family Zathras, each one named Zathras. Slight differences in how you pronounce. Zathraas, Zathras, Zathras.. You are seeing now?"
# "There are ten of you?" asked Ivanova. And he replied, "Yes! Well, nine now." "And Zathras?" she asked.
# "Zathras gone!" said Zathras, "Zathras warned Zathras, but Zathras never listened to Zathras. Zathras was quiet one in family. SO! What can Zathras be doing for you?"
# And so it happened, that Zathras said, "Everyone always coming to Zathras with problems. Great responsibilities. But Zathras does not mind. Zathras trained in crisis management."
# Then Ivanova spoke, "That's great, lets--" But Zathras continued his discourse, teaching many things
# "But only Zathras have no-one to talk to. No-one manages poor Zathras, you see. So Zathras talks to dirt. Sometimes talks to walls, or talks to ceilings. But dirt is closer. Dirt is used, through everyone walking on it. Just like Zathras, but we've come to like it. It is our role. It is our destiny in the universe. So, you see, sometimes dirt has insects in it. And Zathras likes insects. Not so good for conversation, but much protein for diet. Ha! Zathras fix now, this way."