Babylon 5 Reference

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JMS parla della morte di TMoS
Oggetto: JMS parla della morte di TMoS
Autore: Massimo
Data: 26 Febbraio 2005

JMS parla di come si è sviluppato di TMoS e, purtroppo, di come il progetto è attualmente morto. Pare che a breve termine non ci sia nessuna possibilità di produrre questo film. È un vero peccato perché era un progetto ambizioso che avrebbe portato Babylon 5 nelle sale cinematografiche. Spero che in un vicino futuro si riesca a raggiungere nuovamente un accordo che porti alla realizzazione di questo film.
Di seguito il messaggio completo di JMS sulla vicenda:

Subject: from jms re: tmos
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 01:52:00 +0000 (UTC)
The rule of thumb in Hollywood is that for every thousand scripts that get written, only a few dozen get into development, and out of those, only one will ever get made...if that.
A little over a year ago, I was approached by a company that wanted to make a Babylon 5 movie. They optioned the rights, and commissioned a script. (It's worth mentioning that I, not WB, own the rights to a B5 movie. When we were negotiating the original B5 deal -- by whose terms I will never see a dime in profit -- the one thing they did let me have were the movie rights, figuring they'd never be worth anything in the long run.)
Anyway...on December 27th of 2003, the script for "The Memory of Shadows" was turned in, and the process began of trying to make the deal work with all the various forces involved. It is, to say the least, a very difficult process on any movie where the studio does not directly take the financial reins. In terms of B5, Warner's position was esssentially, "We only do big-budget movies with big names, so you're on your own." If there were big-name movie actors in the film, they'd get behind it; without that, things become very problematic, especially as far as the financing was concerned. You much have to put together a consortium of international interests and business plans rivaled in complexity only by the Allied invasion of Normandy Beach.
Nonetheless, every attempt was made by the people involved to get this deal in place. This was not being done by Doug or myself, but rather by the company/individuals who approached us and optioned the rights. At times, it seemed we were inches away from a deal...stages were reserved at Elstree, actors were contacted, a director was in place, the script went through many revisions, a few key staff were hired, again not by was really a year-long roller coaster ride. During that time, the people involved, with every good intention, tried very hard to pull the necessary pieces together on the deal. The option expired in late December 2004, but I renewed it without cost, to give those involved more time to try and make things work.
In the end, however, the deal could be put together, and it did not look as if that was going to change at any point in the foreseeable future. So the option has reverted, and to all intents and purposes, the project has dead ended. Nor do I think this particular incarnation will arise again at any point in the future, though prognostication has always been a tricky art, especially if you have to do it without the benefit of hindsight.
This was not the first time someone's taken a run at a B5 feature film, and it will not be the last. Eventually it will happen, because such things are simply inevitable. If they can do a Brady Bunch movie, you can be sure that sooner or later, somebody's going to do a B5 movie. The only thing I can say without equivocation is that when that day comes, as the rights-holder, I will make darned sure that it's done right, because I'd rather have no B5 movie than one that doesn't live up to what fans and I myself would want to see.
To that end...I can wait.
Anyway, just thought you should know the story.
(message content (c) 2005 by Synthetic Worlds, Ltd. Rights to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine)

Autore: Triky
Data: 26 Febbraio 2005

Volevo segnalare un altro passaggio di un altro messaggio di JMS

The show, all in, cost about $110 million to make. Each year of its original run, we know it showed a profit because they TOLD us so. And in one case, they actually showed us the figures. It's now been on the air worldwide for ten years. There's been merchandise, syndication, cable, books, you name it. The DVDs grossed roughly half a BILLION dollars (and that was just after they put out S5, without all of the S5 sales in).

Le 5 stagioni gli sono costate in totale circa 110 millioni di dollari e solo i dvd fino ad ora han fruttato alla warner MEZZO MILIARDO DI DOLLARI! non so se si afferra l'entità della cifra!
E questo non li rassicura abbastanza su quanti soldi posso guadagnare dal film. L'avidità non ha fine.
ma quel che mi fa incazzare a bestia è che con tutti sti fottio di soldi che si son fatti con i dvd (non mi vengan a dire che cihan coperto solo le spese...) su una serie vecchia di 10 anni, abbiano realizzato una versione europea di una cosi bassa qualità con tutti gli errori che ci han propinato, senza poter neppure spendere 50.000 dollari a stagione per fare dei sottotitoli in italiano (dei sottotitoli di più non gli costano e gia cosi son cari) .